The American farmhouse represents integrity, ingenuity, self-reliance, and agricultural heritage. Today, the farmhouse is a rare survivor from another era that can be found sensitively reinterpreted by artists, carefully preserved by original owners, or functionally maintained by farm-to-table artisanal food producers. In more than 200 stunning images, Steve Gross and Sue Daley have painstakingly photographed 20 of the most beautifully preserved farmhouses in the northeast. Some are working farmhouses that have been passed down in families for generations; some have been made productive again by a whole new generation of organic farmers. Still others have been rescued from neglect and restored to their former splendor. Each house is accompanied by an overview of the farmhouse owner and how he or she maintains the property. Fans of the farm-to-table movement as well as historic architecture and preservation will find this an intriguing and beautiful read.u003cbru003e u003cbru003e Praise foru003ciu003e Farmhouse Revivalu003c/iu003e:u003cbru003e u003cbru003e ?Those interested in a homey, country style of decorating or in home restoration will be inspired. ?u003ciu003eLibrary Journalu003c/iu003eu003cbru003e u003cbru003e ?Above all, the greatest joy is just looking at the beautiful time-worn places and appreciating the way those that came before led a happy and fulfilling life of simplicity and utility within their walls. For once you have read this book, you will realize that in many ways, it is the farmhouse that helps to restore us, and not the other way around. ?Preservation.comu003cbru003e u003cbru003e ?Buy the book u003ciu003eFarmhouse Revivalu003c/iu003e for the photos?for inspiration . . . the authors clearly know architecture and antiques. ?u003ciu003eDan's Papersu003c/iu003eu003cbru003e u003cbru003e ?Perusing u003ciu003eFarmhouse Revivalu003c/iu003e is a marvelous experience . . . and is sure to make readers wonder what stories the farmhouses in their towns could tell. ?Cleveland u003ciu003ePlain Dealeru003c/iu003eu003cbru003e u003cbru003e u003cbru003e u003cbru003e